ISB Days

This blog is to chronicle the one-year I will spend pursuing my management education at The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Hope it brings up great memories when I'm old, dying and viewing this on my laptop at home - in a grand villa!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Just completed the most hectic day of this term so far...3 lectures today (6 hours!) and then a 1-hour session on Markstrat in the evening. Luckily, my evening nap helped... else, I wouldnt be blogging now..would have crashed long ago...
This term is turning out to be another killer.. ISB separates the naturally smart from the hard-working smart... since there's so little time, only the naturally smart can excel while the others hve a tough time keeping up... and since time will always be at a premium in life, I guess it indicates who needs to work harder and who are naturally gifted..
Need to get down to some studies now.. long days ahead... might as well make the most when energy is high


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