ISB Days

This blog is to chronicle the one-year I will spend pursuing my management education at The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Hope it brings up great memories when I'm old, dying and viewing this on my laptop at home - in a grand villa!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

First Day at ISB

From the time stamp of 2 a.m. in the night of Apr 23, one would realise what a long but eventful day this has been! The day began at 5.30 in the morning with the train drawing into Begampet station. Moving over then to a friend's place, and then heading to ISB by about 10.30 a.m. The only letdown was that I could not collect my suitcase from the transporter.
Upon reaching ISB, it was a short but not so well-co-ordinated registration process. Even my room was changed at the last moment! But I got enthu block-mates, so am not complaining!
Also, thankfully, the registration-rooms were right next to each other, so moving between them was easy. But, I did not get the welcome drink that the people who joined for pre-term got :(
After that, lunch - well-earned after no breakfast and a hectic morning. The meal-plan is still not in place, so probably an expensive lunch took place! Headed straight back for a nap, before going over to collect my laptop and in vain for the cell-connection. Then, an ice-breaking session by the alum - fun people and also our section - Section C turned out to be a fun bunch of guys. The 4 terms ahead will be fun! After that, another EXPENSIVE dinner and then headed to the first birthday-dunking - 2 guys with legitamate birthdays on this day, and a third guy as the sacrificial lamb were dunked! We moved on then to the first party of ISB. Alum and current students danced to the beats of the in-house professional RJ - Shruti.
So, a fun day and the initial hesitation in reaching here and thinking "15 lakhs!!!" is now settling down! Looking ahead to a packed second day, full of orientation activities. Time to catch a few winks now, although the feet are still moving to the music which still goes on and on and on....


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