ISB Days

This blog is to chronicle the one-year I will spend pursuing my management education at The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Hope it brings up great memories when I'm old, dying and viewing this on my laptop at home - in a grand villa!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

phew! term 3 exams finally over. went out in the evening to the city, for a drive and dinner. felt like i was getting back in touch with reality... felt strange... and also did not know if i want to get back to reality, from the cozy confines of ISB...
just had a long chat with folks here abt lots of stuff - relative grading, confidence level of people in ISB, etc... its 3 a.m. now, and i can stay awake longer doing a lot of things other than study! but i took the exams lighter this time, and hope it will be even more light next time... need to get out of the fake grade pressure and build some knowledge base... i am already good and can be better... and no grades can show that!
plan to have a useful term-break... playing the guitar, reading books, watching movies... chilling, thinking about where i am headed... and many more mind-teasing debates with the intellectual wealth in ISB, that thinks of itself as mediocre... get a life folks!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

cramming for the exams since the past few days... it's been 3 terms almost over and its been overwhelming to say the least... lot of stuff, too little time... but am glad i've been golfing, guitaring in the worst of times - so, am doing the balancing act already!! :)
people in the campus are now more closer than ever before... u also know many of them and their mannerisms and whether they are alright to approach at any given time! i only hope this familiarity does not breed 'contempt'!! another dunking last night... group-mate's birthday, and i was unprepared... so got dunked with jeans et al... not a good idea to approach the pool with anything more than swimwear!
I look back about 4, i can understand most of Economic Times now!! so, that's one tangible effect already of ISB! Have been studying at the library past 2 days, and it helps to keep me awake... back to books now... and more day-dreaming....

Sunday, August 14, 2005

the past couple of days have been full of entrpreneurial ideas and i'm bursting with creativity! i'm in my happy zone! since the mid-term got over (with rumours of one of them getting cancelled since the paper was a re-hash of last year's...which i had not read :( ) i have been chilling out like it was term break.... attended a fantastic session by dipak jain (dean of kellogg) who spoke abt the future of marketing like only a guru can... he is also very passionate abt ISB and that showed through his interaction with the student body... watched a movie and am planning to watch another today and tomorrow! :) one of my friends is coming tomorrow, and that is exciting... this year is shaping out well and i hope to use a lot more energy and creativity in this one rocking year... last night's party folded up in no time... everyone here was sleepy and relaxing at home.... its eerie at times... the whole student body behaves like one personality... and hence u can feel the pulse and predict where it will go next... to me, it looks like if there is enough confidence (which it currently lacks), it can go anywhere it wants!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

the days are whizzing past... i am already thinking of when ISB will be over and the thought depresses me... i want to continue as a student for a long, long time... Mid-term exams tomo... for the first time we have 2 in a row, but the tension and prep are far lesser than when there was only one!! I guess we're used to it, and also to some extent come to terms with our perspective on what we want out of ISB... hopefully, this should be the last grade-crazy term...
i decided to drop the singapore trip, since its too costly, and i might need some cash after graduation..already, the reserves are depleting... I am getting too tempted to becoming an entrepreneur, but not able to concentrate on any idea... hope that will crystallize soon... back to the books for now... am looking forward to the relaxed weekend ahead... guitar classes, golf and "Mangal Pandey"!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

i promise to be more regular with blogging! have been sleeping way too much with the heady cocktail of rainy weather and too many classes! am becoming very inspired towards entrepreneurship since the past few days, and makes me realize that fear only increases with more knowledge. hence, b-school students have analysis-paralysis instead of "effectual" thinking as a true entrepreneur. i hope to make that change in me while at the same time absorbing the incredible learning here at ISB. value of time was never more appreciated than these days when everything including breakfast time is measured and weighed against alternatives! :) hope to have fun along the way through guitar and golf classes as well. my money reserves are dwindling, and the singapore trip is on the weighing scale now for benefits v/s cost. i hope i can work in the far-east for a while... learn mandarin... travel around...