ISB Days

This blog is to chronicle the one-year I will spend pursuing my management education at The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Hope it brings up great memories when I'm old, dying and viewing this on my laptop at home - in a grand villa!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

phew! term 3 exams finally over. went out in the evening to the city, for a drive and dinner. felt like i was getting back in touch with reality... felt strange... and also did not know if i want to get back to reality, from the cozy confines of ISB...
just had a long chat with folks here abt lots of stuff - relative grading, confidence level of people in ISB, etc... its 3 a.m. now, and i can stay awake longer doing a lot of things other than study! but i took the exams lighter this time, and hope it will be even more light next time... need to get out of the fake grade pressure and build some knowledge base... i am already good and can be better... and no grades can show that!
plan to have a useful term-break... playing the guitar, reading books, watching movies... chilling, thinking about where i am headed... and many more mind-teasing debates with the intellectual wealth in ISB, that thinks of itself as mediocre... get a life folks!


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