ISB Days

This blog is to chronicle the one-year I will spend pursuing my management education at The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Hope it brings up great memories when I'm old, dying and viewing this on my laptop at home - in a grand villa!

Friday, April 29, 2005

Getting into the think of studying now. Strange - this is the first day I have picked up my books, and already into the "thick" of it! Well, academics here are like that. It's overload from Day One! I am surprised the alums were able to participate in clubs, parties and still do well in their acads! Hope it holds true for this batch too.The leadership development sessions are going on well, and it is good to know your inherent strengths and areas of improvement. But, concentrating on strengths is more important than spending time on weaknesses. After all, you can always hire a person who has strengths in your own areas of weaknesses!!The cost of the course is "increasing" with newer elements coming up regularly. It is a bit worrying...the drops are addding up to the expanding ocean of costs...
The alums have been very helpful with their guidance. This school will have a strong network a few years later with many alums in top jobs. Had a discussion with the admissions-director for next year's admissions strategy. Interesting to note that other colleges are coming up with one-year courses. Establishes ISB as a pioneer! However, the issue of miniscule number of international students needs to be resolved...and soon.It's back to the books now... Looking forward to the study-term to begin...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Had presentations today on the academic program for the coming year. Sounds like an extremely intense course but I hope to enjoy the first "seriously interested" education I have opted for!! Again, the afternoon was time to catch a power-nap to prepare for the long evening ahead. I had an interesting discussion in the afternoon about democracy/communism and I guess these offline chats also help a long way in shaping your learning. Had an ethics-code presentation in the evening. Was a bit "gray" due to the human factor in many of these ethic-guidelines.

A fantastic session on "Career Perspectives" happened in the afternoon. Many achievers from the industry told us that they never had a "20-year plan" about their careers. It was all about learning all the time, taking opportunities and many times, also swallowing bitter pills. As Mats (IBM) used to say "Wherever I went, I found normal people just like me!" So, no one is a superstar by birth or by plan - life happens!

ISB-sponsored dinner in the evening, before which some of us chatted with Ajith Rangnekar (deputy dean) informally. He told us an interesting story on "why ISB chose Hyderabad". Chandrababu Naidu (for whom I already have high regard) chose ISB instead of the other way round. When politicians have a vision, the country prospers. Later, some more presentations on scholarships. I will definitely try for the Citigroup one - since it's a no-strings attached deal. Open jam session started at about 11.30 in the night... seniors strumming guitars and the rest of us singing along... nice, relaxing music. As i head back to my "strategically-located" room, practice sessions for the Talent nite continue. I cant sleep at all since all the sessions occur right behind my room in the mirror-pool. Well, its all preparation for the 24-hour workdays ahead! Time to catch a few winks now... dont have any sessions tomorrow... phew!

Monday, April 25, 2005

We had the leadership introduction yesterday, with the MBTI self-assessment to kick it off. It was a good way to begin by "knowing yourself" as the theme. I had taken the same test couple of years ago at Infosys, and got the same rating. Guess, I havent changed! :) The professor - Rajeshwar U was great. Very controlled and effective.
More club presentations in the night. It will be tough to join more than 2 clubs, coz participation will suffer. I am prioritizing... this year will be one for academic and career progression. Extra-curriculars will have to take a back-seat. :( Will try though to make this a balanced year.
Slept a bit in the afternoon, and the key at ISB is really to sleep whenever u get the time!

Looking forward to a full-day today as well. Hope i meet some new folks and remember some of their names!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

As the party goes on right behind my room in SV-3, I have nothing else to do but sit awake, blog and wait for the music to end before I can sleep! :)
The day was again packed (on a Sunday!), with the admissions/acads groups addressing us in the morning. A light lunch from the cafe (am gonna go with the Breakfast+Dinner plan) later, I took a short nap given the late party last night. However, I am so sure these compensatory naps will end soon! Then, we had last year's clubs - Finance, Biz-Tech and Net-Impact present. Net-Impact sounds interesting (especially from the environment-preservation point of view). Biz-Tech sounds too "IT" and Finance is definitely NOT for me. Will look forward to other clubs presenting later this week. But only 2 clubs at most seem like justice from my side. I am so sure the academic workload will hit me like a ton of bricks! After dinner, its another party.... (which is still going on at 2.3o in the night). I decide to blog, and call it a day. My windows still continue to rock!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

First Day at ISB

From the time stamp of 2 a.m. in the night of Apr 23, one would realise what a long but eventful day this has been! The day began at 5.30 in the morning with the train drawing into Begampet station. Moving over then to a friend's place, and then heading to ISB by about 10.30 a.m. The only letdown was that I could not collect my suitcase from the transporter.
Upon reaching ISB, it was a short but not so well-co-ordinated registration process. Even my room was changed at the last moment! But I got enthu block-mates, so am not complaining!
Also, thankfully, the registration-rooms were right next to each other, so moving between them was easy. But, I did not get the welcome drink that the people who joined for pre-term got :(
After that, lunch - well-earned after no breakfast and a hectic morning. The meal-plan is still not in place, so probably an expensive lunch took place! Headed straight back for a nap, before going over to collect my laptop and in vain for the cell-connection. Then, an ice-breaking session by the alum - fun people and also our section - Section C turned out to be a fun bunch of guys. The 4 terms ahead will be fun! After that, another EXPENSIVE dinner and then headed to the first birthday-dunking - 2 guys with legitamate birthdays on this day, and a third guy as the sacrificial lamb were dunked! We moved on then to the first party of ISB. Alum and current students danced to the beats of the in-house professional RJ - Shruti.
So, a fun day and the initial hesitation in reaching here and thinking "15 lakhs!!!" is now settling down! Looking ahead to a packed second day, full of orientation activities. Time to catch a few winks now, although the feet are still moving to the music which still goes on and on and on....

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Started packing. Catching the train tomorrow from Bombay to Hyd. Hope to get the suitcase which was sent to Hyd through a transporter. 18-hour train ride to Hyd. I thought it would be only 12 hours. Hmm.... Might read something or just sleep off the day. Next blog from ISB!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dont know if I need to carry anything with me. As of now, its just the basics. I like being unprepared at times! :) Plus, Hyderabad is a big city where I can get anything I want. So, why worry?! I am now getting out of relief-mode and into excitement-mode! Suddenly, the mood is more upbeat! Hope i can work out a bit/swim there. Will need to build super stamina for the impending marathon!!

Monday, April 18, 2005

4 days to go

4 more days until I reach ISB. I have no clue about which books I need to take or what I need to be prepared for. But, this is one adventure I want to step into totally unprepared, as it were! Quite contrary to my style of prep first, perform later. Is this a change in my 'management' style?! Not really... Getting through ISB was more relief than thrill at first. Also, am sure theres not much prep needed else ISB would have cautioned me.
Anyways, these days are relaxed, at home, restful. I am taking the liberty of over-relaxing these days, since the next one year will have no time to rest. Strange concept, but I like it.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Last few pre-ISB days

First Blog.
It's now 6 days until I get to ISB.. Just been a week since I took a sabbatical from work. 2-weeks break is hardly a "break" until the madness begins at ISB! But I know folks who dont have even a day's break, so "how bad is my situation?!". Although,I have been chilling, and dont want to think work/study for now. I'll take it as it comes! Finally, got the loan-stuff done too. I better get a $$$$$ job to pay back those $$$ !!!!!