ISB Days

This blog is to chronicle the one-year I will spend pursuing my management education at The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Hope it brings up great memories when I'm old, dying and viewing this on my laptop at home - in a grand villa!

Friday, September 30, 2005

past 3 days were spent in the Bidding fever, where we bid for our electives starting next term. It was an intense, political, stock-marketish, specualtive, rumor-mongering, risk-taking 3 days! taught us a lot abt real-life 'finance' for a change. after all that intense activity, i managed to net 3 courses with moderate damages to my points-kitty...
just had the music club where a lot of talented folks participated and it was awesome fun! it's sad that the core term is coming to an end... cant imagine half of ISB-life is already over! :(
need to hit the books for the upcoming finals... dont have much time given the biz-prez skills workshop next 2 days... hmmm.... again, too much activity, too little time.


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